One hundred years ago, three girls found themselves in various corners of the world. “I remember when they were building the Golden Gate Bridge,” says Rosemarie Carlisle. “The day it opened, […]
True to its name, Collage: A Place for Art and Culture is one of those unique entertainment venues that can’t be defined by a single art form. “The reason for the […]
If everything had gone according to plan, Birdcage Beauty Parlour might not be here today. “My husband is very much a go-getter, and he bought me a birdcage chandelier,” says Monique Ursich, […]
Filippo Trani arrived in the U.S. in 1913, making his way from his landing point on Ellis Island to the small fishing community of San Pedro. He came from Ischia, an island […]
Tucked away in Angels Gate Cultural Center is an unassuming, two-story army barrack. Tan-colored paint peels from the exterior; rust speckles the handrails leading up to the door. It’d be easy to […]
Jillana Miller and Ahmad Butler returned to their San Pedro home one Saturday night after setting up shop at the Los Feliz flea market, where they’d had a long day. Money was […]
The studio was alive with activity as the advanced class wrapped up their lessons and the beginning students chatted in the lobby, waiting to take their seats. Two teenage teaching assistants fluttered […]
What came first, the chicken nuggets or the potato nuggets? Unlike the age-old riddle, there’s no debate here. “We started selling the potato nuggets before the chicken nuggets,” says Jim Frlekin, owner […]
It’s a common Hollywood trope —the misfit protagonist gets a makeover, and voila! With a new haircut and wardrobe, all their problems are solved. But like many movie tropes, it’s not real. […]
Nestled on a hillside behind Leland Street School is Alma Park, a small, unassuming plot of land bisected by 21st Street. Built in 1925 by George Peck for his daughter Alma, it’s […]