Growing up, I always wondered how a lot of adults could be so clueless about celebrities that I couldn’t know enough information about. Would I ever be that clueless? Yes. It’s happening […]
2019 was an amazing debut for the San Pedro Heritage Museum. The community has been overwhelmingly supportive of us and our mission to share and preserve San Pedro history and culture. We’ve […]
San Pedro, who’s your daddy? Do we have one? If the city of San Pedro wanted to give a heartfelt Father’s Day card to someone, who should we address it to? The […]
“All buildings are not created equal.” Someone said that recently in a conversation about historic preservation and it really stuck with me. It’s true, but it’s a truth that’s hard to keep […]
“Do you prefer buildings to people?” That’s a line from the musical Mama Mia that I always find myself thinking about while researching a tour or story. I must say, the buildings […]
A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to be an elder buddy to my friend’s grandmother, Miranda Mussa. It seemed like a win-win situation – Miranda would get out twice […]
There’s a famous photo of the ceremonial marriage of San Pedro and Los Angeles, taken at the Harbor Day Celebration on July 4, 1908, an event sponsored by pro-consolidation interests. In the […]
I was a very odd child. I went through so many phases growing up. My favorite was the Halloween I dressed up as a “beatnik” and wore a striped shirt and black […]
Historically, there are only two areas in the entirety of San Pedro that were dominated by a single ethnic group, so much so that it warranted a nickname. The earliest was “Little […]