Coronatide has made the San Pedro faith community very creative. Opportunities to pray online and safely in person are manifold. Distribution of food for the needy has continued. Non-techy folks are figuring […]
Four years ago, I wondered who would be elected the next president of the United States. I wrote some intentions that I wanted to commit to regardless of who won the election. […]
“The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence.” (Habakkuk 2.20) “For everything there is a season…a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3.1,7) […]
“Make change your friend, and you will have a friend for life.” Duffy Nelson We’ve had some transitions in the faith community of San Pedro, so I’ll take a few months to […]
The congregation is gathered at the beginning and commissioned at the conclusion of every Sunday liturgy. After the benediction and closing song, from the back doors, I cry out, “Go in peace […]
When confronted with the brutal truth that some lives haven’t mattered as much as other lives in our own estimation, in our own institutions, in our own city of San Pedro, and […]
“Should” and “shouldn’t” is a softer version of “shalt” and “shalt not.” Religious people of every faith, and the irreligious too, all have a list of shalts and shalt nots. Thou shalt […]
Even though you are home, do you feel a little homesick for “normal?” We are collectively experiencing an exile from normal. We are not unique. Past relocations, displacements, disorienting or disappointing events […]
Driving counterclockwise around Mount Kilimanjaro, we made it to Rombo. We were in Tanzania, but had expansive views of the Kenyan plain. The area is rich in tropical vegetation, but financially deprived. […]
A century ago, the Twenties were called “roaring.” Decades don’t get names before they begin. They have to be lived in for a while before they get named. It might even be […]