Community Voices
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LA City Councilmember Tim McOsker speaks to the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council in March 2023. (photo: NWSPNC Facebook)

Neighborhood councils are the backbone of grassroots democracy, bridging San Pedro residents and the City of LA. 

These councils help our town become better informed on various projects, voice our concerns about our quality of life, shape our neighborhoods, and work collaboratively to address the issues that matter most to San Pedro. 

Neighborhood councils (NCs) work closely with public services, the LAPD, CD15 (the “One-Five”), and city, county, state, and federal elected officials. 

Despite their role, most San Pedrans don’t know their impact, don’t vote in NC elections, and don’t participate in neighborhood council meetings. 

What Are Neighborhood Councils?

Neighborhood councils are local advisory bodies established by the City of Los Angeles in 1999 to promote public participation in government and make city services more responsive to community needs. There are three NCs in San Pedro representing Northwest San Pedro, Central San Pedro, and Coastal San Pedro. 

Reflecting varied cultures, challenges, views, aspirations, and focuses, each works to better San Pedro from their perspective.

While their decisions are not legally binding, they influence city policies, budgets, and projects by advocating for the needs of our communities.

Why Are Neighborhood Councils Important?

Representation and Advocacy—Whether it’s traffic safety, affordable housing, homelessness, public parks, or emergency preparedness, neighborhood councils provide an accessible platform for residents to express their concerns and advocate for change.

Local Solutions to Local Issues—A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in a city as vast and diverse as LA. NCs address the specific needs of our area, fostering more effective and relevant solutions.

Promoting Civic Engagement—Neighborhood councils encourage residents to take an active role in shaping our community. By participating in council meetings, joining committees, or even running for a council seat, residents gain firsthand experience in local governance and advocacy.

Community Education and Connection—With all of the changes taking place in San Pedro, the NCs serve to educate the public about various projects or issues that affect our community while bringing neighbors together, face-to-face, building stronger connections.

Why Should People Vote in NC Elections?

Despite their importance, voter turnout in neighborhood council elections is often disappointingly low. Each NC is designed to represent 30,000-40,000 residents; however, elections are usually determined by only a few hundred votes and individual seats by less than 10. 

Voting helps select competent representatives who take the time to read board materials and advocate for issues that matter most to you and our community. 

Voting also ensures council members remain responsive and representative of the community’s needs. It sends a message that the community is engaged and expects accountability.

How to Vote

All voting will take place by mail this year, and you must register ahead of time. You can do this online by visiting or complete an application at the next neighborhood council board meeting. Ballots will be mailed out starting February 18 and must be mailed back by March 25, 2025, to be counted.

Why Should More People Participate in Neighborhood Councils?

Empowerment Through Involvement—Being part of a neighborhood council gives you a voice in decisions that impact our community and champion causes we care about to drive meaningful change.

Learn and Grow—Participation provides valuable experience in governance, project management, and community building, benefitting the individual and enhancing the council’s effectiveness.

Diversity of Perspectives—When people from various backgrounds participate, councils become more inclusive and better equipped to address the needs of all residents.

Foster Collaboration—Neighborhood councils collaborate with city departments, nonprofits, and other stakeholders. By participating, you contribute to these partnerships and help create innovative solutions for our community’s challenges.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved is easier than you might think. Start by attending a council meeting—each council holds monthly meetings open to the public. You can also join a committee, volunteer for a community project, or run for a council seat during the next election.

For more info on each neighborhood council in San Pedro, visit their website: Central Neighborhood Council:, Coastal Neighborhood Council:, Northwest Neighborhood Council:  spt

Lee Williams

Lee Williams leads The Lee Williams Real Estate Group at REAL Broker and is a Los Angeles Harbor Commissioner. He also serves on the board of directors for Boys & Girls Clubs of the LA Harbor, the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce, Harbor Connects, and the San Pedro Education Foundation. He can be reached at