Three meaningful chapters in my life have begun in April, two of which connect to our town: It’s my birth month, I moved here for love in 2007, and I started Eat […]
It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since the pandemic altered our way of living. As I reflect on the many ways my life has changed, I choose to focus […]
I first visualized this column as a way to highlight the long-standing pizza makers in town leading up to Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day. However, a familiar theme emerged during conversations […]
During the cooler months, I often eat homemade soup for dinner. I like to experiment with different recipes and store the soup in mason jars so that I can easily microwave them. […]
These days, it’s hard to escape news about the frustration experienced by the supply chain shortages and shipping delays. I see this inconvenience as an opportunity to boost our local economy by […]
Since the start of the pandemic, contributing to our local economy and supporting San Pedro’s small business community has been important to me. This “think local” mentality has shifted the way I […]
In both the Iranian and Italian cultures I grew up in, bakeries play an important role in neighborhoods. Cakes, sweets, and seasonal pastries are purchased either for one’s own enjoyment or as […]
Since September is National Chicken Month, this is the best time to write about some of my favorite options in town. For as long as I have lived in San Pedro, Slavko’s […]
Mexican restaurants dominate the Latin American food choices in San Pedro. Besides two Salvadoran restaurants in town, other Central and South American cuisines remain painfully unrepresented. Just like me, you have probably […]
When I moved here 14 years ago, I took note of the butcher shops in town because I like interacting with an experienced butcher and asking questions about various cuts of meats, […]